Tag: coffee

10 Tips on How to Make the Most Delicious French Toast at Home


t’s the weekend, you’re in your PJs, and you’re feeling lazy. You don’t want to go out for brunch, but you’re also not in the mood to cook anything complicated. So, you opt for the next best thing: French toast! It’s easy enough to make at home, and it’ll be just as delicious (if not more so) than anything you could get at a restaurant. Plus, who doesn’t love a good excuse to eat lots of syrup?! Here are 10 tips on how to make the best French toast at home.

1. Use day-old bread: This may seem like an odd tip, but hear us out! When you use fresh bread, it’s more likely to fall apart when you soak it in the egg mixture. Day-old bread is firmer and will hold together better. Plus, it’ll give your French toast a nice crust on the outside. If you don’t have any day-old bread lying around, simply toast your slices of bread before proceeding with the rest of the recipe.

2. Use whole milk: For a richer flavor, use whole milk instead of skim or 2%. The higher fat content will also help ensure that your French toast is nice and fluffy.

3. Add some flavor: To give your French toast a little something extra, try adding a teaspoon of vanilla extract or cinnamon to the egg mixture. You can also add zest from an orange or lemon. Just be careful not to add too much—a little goes a long way!

4. Use clarified butter: When cooking French toast, clarified butter is your best friend. Clarified butter is just regular butter that has had the milk solids and water removed—this leaves behind pure butterfat, which has a higher smoke point than regular butter. That means it won’t burn as easily, which is important when you’re cooking something on the stovetop. If you don’t have any clarified butter on hand, regular butter will work in a pinch—just be sure to keep a close eye on it so it doesn’t burn.

5. Cook slowly: One of the keys to perfect French toast is cooking it slowly over low heat. This ensures that the inside gets cooked all the way through without burning the outside. Don’t be tempted to turn up the heat to speed things along—it’s not worth sacrificing perfectly cooked French toast!

6. Be generous with the syrup: When drenching your French toast in syrup, go ahead and be generous! There’s no such thing as too much syrup (in our opinion), so don’t be shy about giving your French toast a good coating.

7. Add some toppings: If you’re feeling fancy, try topping your French toast with some fresh fruit or whipped cream. A dusting of powdered sugar also adds a nice touch.

8. Get creative with the bread: While challah or brioche are traditional choices for making French toast, feel free to get creative with your bread selection! Try using sourdough or even cinnamon raisin bread for a different twist on this classic breakfast dish.

9 . Don’t forget about savory toppings: If sweet isn’t your thing, there are plenty of savory toppings that are delicious on French toast! Try sausage or bacon for a hearty option, or go for something lighter like avocado or tomato slices. All are delicious!

10 . Enjoy!: Lastly, don’t forget to enjoy your creation! Make yourself a big plate (or two) of French toast and relish in the fact that you made something so delicious without even having to leave your house. Bon appetit!

Now that you know all our best tips and tricks for making perfect french toast at home, there’s just one thing left to do: get cooking! Just remember to have fun with it—after all, half the enjoyment comes from experimenting with different flavors and toppings. We hope you have as much fun making (and eating!) French toast as we do!

How To Properly Cook the Perfect Steak

How to Make the Perfect Steak, Tips from a Professional Chef. A perfectly cooked steak is juicy, tender, and full of flavor. It’s a dish that’s fit for a special occasion, but it’s also one that you can easily make at home. With the following tips, you’ll be able to cook a restaurant-quality steak that will impress your dinner guests.

There’s nothing like a juicy, perfectly cooked steak. But all too often, home cooks end up with a tough, chewy, and burnt piece of meat. If you’ve ever wondered how the professionals do it, wonder no more! Here are four tips to help you cook the perfect steak at home.

Tip #1: Pick the right cut of meat.

Not all steaks are created equal! The type of steak you pick will have a big impact on how it cooks. For a tender and juicy steak, look for cuts that are well-marbled with fat, such as ribeye or strip steak. These types of steaks will also be more expensive, but they’re worth it! cheaper cuts of meat, such as flank or skirt steak, tend to be tougher and drier.


Tip #2: Season your steak properly.

Seasoning your steak is key to getting that delicious flavor. You’ll want to use a good amount of salt—this may seem counterintuitive, but it helps to break down the proteins in the meat so that they retain moisture during cooking. You can also add other seasonings, such as pepper, garlic powder, or fresh herbs. Just make sure not to go overboard—a little salt and pepper go a long way!


Tip #3: Preheat your pan—and don’t forget the oil!

You’ll want to use a hot pan when cooking your steak so that you get a nice sear on the outside while keeping the inside juicy and tender. Preheat your pan on the stove over medium-high heat before adding oil. Once the oil is hot, add your steak to the pan. Remember not to overcrowd the pan—if necessary, cook your steaks in batches so that they have enough space to breathe.

If you crowd the pan, your steaks will steam instead of sear and you’ll end up with a tough piece of meat. No one wants that! Also, make sure to use enough oil—you should see a thin layer of oil coating the bottom of the pan. If there’s no oil or not enough oil, your meat will stick to the pan and it won’t develop that nice sear.


Tip #4: Know when to flip—and when to rest!

One of the most important things to remember when cooking a steak is not to flip it too frequently. Once you’ve added your steak to the hot pan, resist the urge to fiddle with it! Let it cook for 3-4 minutes undisturbed so that you get a good sear on one side before flipping it over. After flipping, cook for an additional 3-4 minutes for medium-rare or 5-6 minutes for medium before removing from heat. And finally, don’t forget to rest your meat! This allows time for the juices in the meat to redistribute so that they don’t all spill out when you cut into it. Resting also helps prevent overcooking—the residual heat in the meat will continue cooking it even after you’ve removed it from the heat source. Simply transfer your cooked steaks onto a plate or cutting board and let them sit for 3-5 minutes before cutting into them.

Now What Do You Do?

Now that you know these four simple tips, there’s no excuse not to make Perfect Steak at home! Just remember to pick the right cut of meat, season it well, use a hot pan with enough oil, and only flip once. And don’t forget to let it rest before cutting into it! With these guidelines in mind, you’ll be well on your way t becoming a master chef in no time.

The Best Baked Seasoned Fries You Will Ever Eat!


aked Fries are Best for You! Here’s Why.

Blog Introduction: We all love fries, there’s no denying that. But have you ever wondered why some people say that baked fries are best for you? Here’s a breakdown of the three main reasons why baked fries just might be better for your health than their deep-fried counterparts.

They’re Lower in Fat
This one is a no-brainer. Baked fries are cooked in the oven with little to no oil, while deep-fried fries are, well, fried in a vat of hot oil. So it stands to reason that baked fries would contain less fat than their deep-fried cousins. And less fat means they’re better for your heart health and cholesterol levels.

They’re Higher in Nutrition
Since baked fries don’t require as much oil as deep-fried ones, more of the potato’s natural nutrients remain intact. This means that baked fries contain more fiber, potassium, and vitamin C than deep-fried fries do.

They May Help You Live Longer
A 2018 study found that eating fried foods just once a week can shorten your lifespan by almost two years. On the other hand, the same study found that eating one serving of baked or boiled potatoes per day can actually extend your lifespan by 1.5 years. So if you’re looking to add a few extra years onto your life, ditch the fried potatoes and opt for baked instead.

The next time you’re feeling like some French fries, remember that baked is best! not only are they lower in fat and higher in nutrition, but they may actually help you live longer too. So preheat your oven and get ready to enjoy some delicious—and healthy!—baked potatoes today.

You don’t need to go out to a restaurant to enjoy delicious seasoned fries. You can make them right at home with just a few simple ingredients. All you need is some potatoes, olive oil, and your favorite seasonings. Keep reading to learn how to make the perfect baked seasoned fries.

Blog Body:
-4 large potatoes, cut into fry shapes
-1/4 cup olive oil
-1 tablespoon paprika
-1 tablespoon garlic powder
-1 tablespoon onion powder
-1 teaspoon salt
-1/2 teaspoon black pepper